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 DISGUSTING LIES -  BEGINNING (CDx2 box) Track list:

Cd track list
1. Disgusting lies / disgusting lies
2. Ten kraj / this country
3. Kto za tym stoi? / who stands behind it?
4. Kto nastepny? / who next?
5. Sie sciemnia / it's getting dark
6. Pewnego dnia / one day
7. Terror / terror
8. Pora wiadomosci / news time
9. Dwa w jednym / two in one
10. Krotka piosenka o zabijaniu / short song about killing
11. Allah akbar / allah akbar
12. Pytania / questions
13. Dobry interes / good business
14. Zbrodniarze / war criminals
15. Scena / the scene
16. Cierpienie / suffering
17. Wyscig szczurow / the rats race
18. System prawny / law system
19. Wladza / authority
20. Frustracja...(?) / frustration...(?)
21. Konsumpcja / consumption
22. Administracja / red tape problems
23. Prawo wyboru / the right to choose
24. Zamkniety obieg nienawisci / vicious circle of hatred
25. Twoja praca / your job
26. Szefowie wielkich koncernow / heads of big syndicates
27. Nazajutrz / the next day

tracks 1-20 from "pewnego dnia...(one day...)" 12"lp, rec in 1999
tracks 21-27 from "richman/poorman" ep, rec in 1996
tracks 4, 7, 14, 16 from split ep w/fact, rec in 1999

dvd track list
1. Ten kraj / this country
2. Wyscig szczurow / the rats race
3. Sie sciemnia / it's getting dark
4. Frustracja...(?) / frustration...(?)
5. Zbrodniarze / war criminals
6. Disgusting lies / disgusting lies
7. Krotka piosenka o zabijaniu / short song about killing
live at the "la strada club" in lodz oct/27th/1998

Item: 1865
Date: 2008-11-03
Catalog No: MCR-229
Format: CDx2 box
Label: MCR company

Price: 100.00 SEK


DISGUSTING LIES are an anarcho-punk / crust band from Poland active from the middle 90's onwards. This is their early years discograhy CD including the classic first ep released from MALARIE records in 1996, plus additional EPs, their first LP from 1999 & the split ep w/Japan's FACT released from MCR COMPANY. Like DISRUPT, their sound can be described as killer dirty/brutal anarcho ENT influenced crusty thrash with heavy Scandi-core influences sung in brutal dual Polish vocal. Total 27 tracks, Also comes with the DVD featuring their local gig in 1998, so you can see what was going on in the true & hot Polish DIY underground!

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