Information |
Samurai Overdrive are a fairly new act from Kristinehamn, Sweden. The music can best be described as a mix of punk, hardcore and metal. The demo consists of seven songs; of which six are in Swedish and one in English. |
Reviews |
My Last Chapter, [written by Kristoffer Persson. Distributed by -] |
Well this was a nice surprise. I know Samurai Overdrive has some members in common with Anatomi-71, and I was under the assumption that this would be a quite soft punkish hardcore demo. And as I said before; this was a nice surprise. Itâs much rawer than I thought it would be, and it actually gets me thinking of my younger punk days. It feels a bit like taking Snifter and Kontrovers and mixing it a bit with some rockier stuff as well as some semi-metal ĂĄ la Neurosis and moody hardcore ĂĄ la Tragedy. And the end result really reminds me of Apologia. I know that was a lot of name dropping, but if you find that annoying then tough luck! Strangely enough thereâs also a couple of parts that gets me thinking of Coca Carola, but that might just be delirious imagination. Anyway, Av allt inuti has a lot of diverse influences, but itâs still concentrated on crust/hardcore and it shows a lot of potential. |
Doomsday Magazine, [written by Andreas. Distributed by -] |
Ja sĂ„ vĂ€rst mycket rĂ„punk lĂ„ter ju Samurai Overdrive inte (vilket jag hade fĂ„tt för mig innan jag hörde den hĂ€r demon) om man rĂ€knar bort trummorna och till viss del sĂ„ngen. Som vanligt nĂ€r det gĂ€ller band frĂ„n Kristinehamn sĂ„ Ă€r det influerat av hur mĂ„nga band som helst frĂ„n hur mĂ„nga genrer som helst. I grund och botten Ă€r det vĂ€l en punkgryta men nĂ€r kidsen varit framme och slĂ€ngt i postrock, death, thrash, emo (ja sĂ„n dĂ€r frillmusik) sĂ„ smakar det inte lĂ€ngre som en punkgryta utan som en uppdaterad punkgryta. Resultatet Ă€r vĂ€l ganska lyckat för Ă€ven om det Ă€r extremt melodiskt och âkrĂ„ngligtâ sĂ„ Ă€r det fortfarande en rejĂ€l dos med hardcoremangel som jag blir utsatt för. Materialet Ă€r relativt jĂ€mt men det Ă€r ett par lĂ„tar som lĂ„ter Ă€r klart sĂ€mre (tidigt material antar jag). Hur som helst Ă€r detta en bra debut demo, Ă€ven om jag önskar att sĂ„ngen var lite mer varierad, den kan bli lite enahanda stundtals. Det blir nog bra ordning framöver⊠NĂ„n form av hardcore rör det sig om som sagt... |
ATTACK!fanzine, [written by Krogh. Distributed by -] |
Samurai Overdrive does, just as Anatomi-71, come from Kristinehamn, Sweden, and I think the bands share at least some members? Same members or not, I think they are somewhat similar sounding, with the only exception that Samurai have toned down the rÄpunk approach compared to Anatomi-71 and are instead promoting the metallic riffs a bit more. Still, this is far from metal and you who want it to be hard, core, and punk need not to worry.
Samurai Overdose combine classic Swedish kÀng with noisy hardcore topped off with howling desperate vocals, which in fact makes it sound quite far from kÀng - but the influences are there and shine through every now and then.
I like this CD, but in the long run vocal style can be a bit too reminiscent of screamo and that brings the total down a bit. When the music on here is good it's well above average though, and that's where I think I wanna place my impression of this CD as whole as well - above average. |
Folkzine, [written by Andreas. Distributed by -] |
With a band name possibly from a Birdflesh song and a front cover that took me by surprise, I was more than intrigued when I listened to this record from the fairly new band Samurai Overdrive from Kristinehamn/Karlstad. The band's musical style is some what a concoction of several different music-genres, the band themselves describe their sound as a mixture of punk, hardcore/screamo and metal. And this is something you tend to see more and more nowadays, that bands mix up different styles to get a unique sound, and itâs no easy task I tell you. My first reflection over what I heard was that I couldn't really match up the music and the front cover. Personally I think it's great that this music wise hard "mangel" band dares to put out this in todayâs skulls/weapons/blood and destruction themed era. They're good musicians, the trade off vocals are very well implemented, and there is no question about whether they've got some serious willpower and passion for their music. You can tell that they've got loads of ideas and things they want to mediate, but it feels as if all these things get clogged up in a messy output. After listening to this record now a couple of days I've come to the conclusion that it is a grower, and I'll keep my eyes and ears idle for new material by this band because they've got some serious potential. |
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